Are you looking for new, beneficial essential oils to add to your home supply? Then try Ginger Essential Oil!

Ginger is an excellent for not only year around, but especially fall and Christmas!

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Why You NEED Ginger Essential Oil!

Why You Should Use Ginger Essential Oil!

I love all Essential Oils, but I especially love Fall Essential Oils! And just as I said in my post about Clove Essential Oil, Ginger is the ultimate fall oil!

One of the things that I also love about Ginger and Clove is that they are not only great for fall, but are two of 15 Essential Oils that are also great for Christmas!

Scientific Name

First let’s look at the scientific name of the Ginger that I use. It is Zingiber officinalis.

This might not seem important, but trust me, it is! Some essential oils have lots of different species. Some of these species can be harmful.

So it is important when purchasing an essential oil to make sure that you read the full scientific name so that you know what you are getting.

For example, eucalyptus essential oil is an oil that I use on my kids for respiratory concerns and immune support.

But, some varieties of eucalyptus essential oil can actually stop a small child’s breathing! We’ll discuss this more when we discuss eucalyptus.

Ginger Oil

What is Ginger and where does it come from?



The ginger that we use is actually a root.

The plant has pink and white buds that open into yellow flowers and grows to be about 3-4 feet tall.

It is in the same family as turmeric.

Ginger originated in the tropical rainforests in Southern Asia.

Ginger Essential Oil

What does Ginger smell like?

The scent of Ginger is warm and spicy with a slight sweetness.

For me it brings to mind the spiciness of my Orange & Ginger Kombucha!

Ginger History

Ginger has been used for centuries in culinary dishes throughout Asia.

It was also used for medicinal benefits in Indian and Ancient Chinese medicine.

Why You NEED Ginger Essential Oil!

Ginger Essential Oil Uses

So now that we’ve discussed name, origin, scent and history let’s delve right into what ginger essential oil is used for and how it will benefit you!

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All of the information that I provide on this site is for educational purposes only and is in no way intended to diagnose, treat or prescribe.

Please read my disclaimer page and/or the disclaimer at the bottom of this page for a full disclaimer statement.

100 Essential Oil Diffuser Blends!

Ginger Essential Oil Benefits

In the home

Ginger will leave your home smelling yummy and give it the feel of fall or Christmas!

It is a great scent to diffuse during the fall months!

It is one of the oils that I discuss in my post 10 Essential Oils To Use This Fall, as well as 15 Essential Oils To Use This Christmas!

Some of the other ways to use your fall and Christmas scented oils around the home are discussed in my post 10 Ways To Use Your Fall Essential Oils, and 12 Ways To Use Your Christmas Essential Oils!

Ginger Essential Oil

Be Young Total Health discusses Ginger essential oil on their website.

They say that while Ginger essential oil has nearly identical health benefits of fresh ginger, the most potent form comes from the essential oil!

Traditional and Alternative Uses for Ginger that Be Young Lists are:


Upset Stomach

Menstrual Disorders


Respiratory Conditions

According to JennScent’s Advanced Holistic Aromatherapy Course:

Ginger has historically been shown to be useful in relieving pain, indigestion, dry coughs and fluid retention.

Ginger is also said to help combat hormone headaches, and ease menstrual cramps.

Some additonal benefits that are listed in the Advanced Holistic Aromatherapy Course are:





Valerie Ann Worwood, in her book The Complete a Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy, also lists Ginger as being beneficial for muscular aches and pains, sprains, broken bones, colds, diarrhea and digestive disorders.


Dr. Kurt Schnaubelt Ph.D., lists Ginger, in addition to Clove essential oil, as a great essential oil to use during the fall and winter to reduce the symptoms and shorten recovery time of respiratory conditions such as influenza, bronchitis, pneumonia, sore throats and the common cold.

He also lists Ginger as being useful for digestion and shares a recipe for pain relief using Ginger essential oil.

You can read more about this and other Ginger uses in his book The Healing Intelligence of Essential Oils.

Ginger Essential Oil Uses

My favorite ways to use Ginger essential oil!

Some of my favorite ways to use Ginger essential oil are listed in my posts 10 Ways To Use Your Fall Essential Oils, and 12 Ways To Use Your Christmas Essential Oils!

I also have a lot of great diffuser recipes for Ginger listed in my eBook 100 Essential Oil Diffuser Blends!

Also, Ginger is one of the main ingredients that I use in my Morning Sickness Roll-On! This is great for easing morning sickness and nausea!

I also use Ginger essential oil in my Lime and Ginger Salt Scrub and my Exotic Salt Scrub! These are great to exfoliate dead skin cells & stimulate circulation. Plus they smell super yummy and tropical!


Ginger essential oil should be used with a carrier oil as it may cause skin irritation.


You also want to make sure that you are using a good quality Ginger.

As an Aromatherapist I would never recommend buying an essential oil at a local store.

I can almost guarantee you that it is not a pure oil.

There are no government regulations on essential oils, so an oil can be diluted by up to 50% and still be marketed as a pure oil.

Which Essential Oil Brand Should I Use?

Make sure that you know and trust your source.

If you have a brand that you feel confident in you can use that.

If you aren’t sure about where to get Ginger, or if you would like to check out the brand that I use, you can find it on my business website Healing Blends For Life.

Which Essential Oil Brand Should I Use?

Where to Buy at discounted prices!

If you are interested in learning how you can buy my preferred brand of essential oils at a discounted price check out my Essential Oil page!

I hope you enjoy Ginger as much as I do!

It is one of my favorite oils, especially during the fall and Christmas seasons!

What do you like most about Ginger?

Do you enjoy the smell as much as I do?

Did you experience any results after using Ginger? If so what were they?

Do you have any additional uses to add to the above list?

I can’t wait to read your comments!

You can read about additional essential oils and their uses here:

1.Why You Should Use Frankincense Essential Oil

2.Why You Should Use Dill Essential Oil

3.Why You Should Use Roman Chamomile Essential Oil

4.Why You Should Use Turmeric Essential Oil

5.Why You Should Use Geranium Essential Oil

6.Why You Should Use Myrrh Essential Oil

7.Why You Should Use Birch Essential Oil

8.Why You Should Use Cypress Essential Oil

9.Why You Should Use Helichrysum Essential Oil

10.Why You Should Use Clove Essential Oil

11.Why You Should Use Ginger Essential Oil

Disclaimer: The information provided on this site is for educational purposes only. I do not prescribe, diagnose or treat any medical conditions. Please consult your health care provider before implementing any of the information provided on this site.
The information provided on this site is completely my own opinion and does not reflect the opinions or beliefs of any other entity.
Any statements or claims regarding health benefits of foods, supplements or essential oils listed on this site have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to treat, cure or prevent any disease.

You can read my full disclaimer here.