Are you tired of the bugs, spiders, snakes, rabbits, and mosquitoes infiltrating your yard and garden? This is the ultimate list of pest repelling plants! Whatever it is that you need to keep out of your landscaping or garden, this list covers it!
Pest Repelling Plants
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This is the ultimate list of pest repelling plants! Tired of the mosquitoes? This list has you covered! Wanting to keep ticks and flies away? This list has what you need! Mosquitoes are definitely a pest that you want to keep away from your yard and home! Living in southwest Florida we get a lot of mosquitoes. And I really like to do things as naturally as possible. So if that sounds like you, you definitely want to plant these 13 plants around your home and garden to keep those pesky pests at bay! Snakes, just hearing the word gives me shivers! I am terrified of snakes! And it really doesn't matter how many times my husband tells me that they are good or that they keep rats away. They creep me out! These 9 plants that repel snakes are a must have if you want to keep these creepy crawlys away! There are sooo many different pests that plague gardens! Everything from squash bugs to beetles, you name it! But you can help to keep these pests away from your veggies and fruits by planting these 19 plants! Flies are so annoying! If you have any type of livestock, then you know what I mean! If you need to repel the flies then be sure to include these 9 plants that repel flies in your landscaping! Ticks are a pest that are feared by many. Probably because it is through ticks that Lyme Disease is contracted. So plant these 9 plants to help keep the ticks out of your yard so that you can enjoy the outdoors all summer long! Spiders! Snakes are not the only creature that strike fear in my heart! Spiders are high up on my list of dreaded pests. If that sounds like you, then give these 7 plants a try. Although these plants have not been scientifically proven to repel spiders, gardeners have obeserved over the years that they tend to avoid these plants. Rabbits may be super cute, but they are dreaded by gardeners everywhere! A rabbit can very quickly devour a garden, leaving you with nothing to show for all of your hard work. And while there aren't any plants that will keep them away from an entire garden or yard, there are plants that rabbits do not like to eat. These 13 herbs are all plants that gardeners have observed over time as being plants that rabbits avoid. In addition to herbs that repel rabbits, there are also vegetables that repel rabbits. These 7 veggies are all plants rabbits do not like to eat. So plant these vegetables to ensure that you will have a harvest to show for all of your hard work! These 19 plants are all beautiful ornamental plants to include in your landscaping that the rabbits do not eat. Add each of these to your yard or garden for lots of different color, creating a vibrant happy atmosphere!The Ultimate List of Pest Repelling Plants
Are there any other pests that are not on the list? Leave me a comment below and I will be sure to include them:)
Happy gardening!