Are you tired of the rabbits eating your garden? These 7 vegetables that repel rabbits are said to be unappealing to rabbits and are vegetables that they will avoid!
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These 7 veggies are unappetizing to rabbits. Why share your harvest with the rabbits? Plant these vegetables so that you can keep the whole harvest for yourself! While these veggies are not scientifically proven to repel rabbits, gardeners have observed that rabbits tend to avoid them. Summer squash is said to be a vegetable that rabbits dislike. Add this to your garden for a veggie that rabbits avoid. Do you grow leeks in your garden? If not you should! The rabbits do not like them and will leave the whole harvest for you! Do you grow rhubarb? I'm visualizing strawberry rhubarb pie! And the good news is, the rabbits don't like it, so more for you:) Potatoes are another plant that the rabbits avoid. So grow your own potatoes and don't worry about the rabbits! Onions are another plant that humans like, but rabbits do not! So add them to your garden:) Gardeners have observed that when rabbits ravage their gardens they tend to avoid the asparagus. So plant some of this healthy vegetable in your garden not only for better health but because the rabbits will avoid it. Tomatoes are definitely a garden staple, and luckily the rabbits do not like them! So plant as many tomato varieties as you'd like and rest assured that the rabbits will avoid them!7 Vegetables That Repel Rabbits
Seeds of Change S10672 Certified Organic Yellow Crookneck Summer Squash
Organic Leek Seeds (APPR. 125) Alto Leek - Heirloom Vegetable Seeds - Certified Organic, Non-GMO, Non Hybrid - USA
Earthcare Seeds Rhubarb Victoria 100 Seeds (Rheum rhabarbarum) Heirloom - Non GMO
Seed Needs, Mary Washington Asparagus (Asparagus officinalis) Twin Pack of 85 Seeds Each Non-GMO
Do you grow any of these veggies in your garden? Do you notice that the rabbits avoid them? Which of these veggies do you plan on planting in your garden this year? Leave me a comment below and let me know!
Also, if you are looking for more rabbit repelling plants be sure to read 13 Herbs That Repel Rabbits!