Are you looking for herbs to plant in your garden that will repel rabbits? These 13 herbs are all plants that rabbits are not fond of and tend to avoid. 

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13 Herbs That Repel Rabbits

These 13 herbs are great to plant in your garden if you want items that rabbits usually avoid. While these plants are not proven to repel rabbits, gardeners have found that these are all plants that rabbits tend to pass by and avoid. So plant these so that you can enjoy the harvest instead of coming out to find everything eaten by rabbits!

And those are 13 herbs that repel rabbits! 

Do you grow any of these herbs in your garden? Do the rabbits avoid them? Which are your favorites? Leave me a comment below and let me know! 

If you would like to learn about more plants that repel rabbits then be sure to check out 7 Vegetables That Repel Rabbits!

Also if you are looking for more bug and pest repelling plants, then be sure to check out 13 Plants to Repel Mosquitoes, 9 Plants to Repel Flies, 9 Plants That Repel Snakes, 19 Plants That Repel Bugs In The Garden, 9 Plants That Repel Ticks, and 7 Plants That Repel Spiders! Include those plants as well in your yard for a bug free paradise!

Plants That Repel Mosquitoes