Are you looking for the best plants to plant in your yard and garden to repel ticks? Ticks are definitely something that you want to avoid as they can cause Lyme disease. So plant these 9 plants to keep those pesky bugs away!

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Plants That Repel Ticks

9 Plants That Repel Ticks

Lyme disease is a dreaded illness that you can get from ticks. But nobody wants to spend their summer indoors to avoid these insects! Plant these 9 plants in your yard and stop worrying about your kids getting bit by ticks!

And those are 9 of the best plants to repel ticks! 

Do you include any of these plants in your garden? If so which are your favorites? 

If you don’t include these plants in your garden or landscaping yet then you definitely should! Include as many as possible to make your yard a tick free zone!

Also if you are looking for more bug and pest repelling plants, then be sure to check out 13 Plants to Repel Mosquitoes, 9 Plants to Repel Flies, 9 Plants That Repel Snakes, 19 Plants That Repel Bugs In The Garden, and 7 Plants That Repel Spiders! Include those plants as well in your yard for a bug free paradise!

Plants That Repel Mosquitoes