Are you terrified of snakes? Do you have children that play outside? Are you wanting to know how to keep snakes away? Here are some must try methods to keep those creepy crawlers away!
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How to Keep Snakes Away
I am terrified of snakes! I mean I don’t even like to look at them. Honestly just writing about them here gives me the heebie jeebies!
I definitely do not want any snakes roaming about my yard!
I know, I know, they are supposed to be good to have around. My husband is telling me this all the time. Excuse me while I roll my eyes now!
It doesn’t really matter to me that snakes keep rats away, or that black snakes keep away poisonous snakes, blah blah blah….I just want them gone! ALL OF THEM! I don’t care if they are poisonous or not. I know my fear may be irrational….but it’s still a fear!
So, I have researched some of the best ways to keep these creepy crawly creatures as far away from my home as possible!
Goodbye snakes! Farewell! I will not miss you in the slightest!
How to Repel Snakes
How to Keep Snakes Away
Now, I have not personally tried all of these methods. And I cannot guarantee that they all work. However many people have tried them and claim that they do work.
So they are definitley worth trying in my opinion!
Let's take a look at each one. And hey, let's try them all! Surely if we implement all of them that will do the trick right?! 🙂
The first item on our list is plants!
These nine plants have been said to repel snakes. And the awesome part is that most of these are pretty plants that make a great addition to any garden or landscaping!
So hey, why not give these a try?!
Essential oils are good for so many things!
But did you know that essential oils are said to be effective at repelling snakes?!
Here are 13 of the best essential oils to repel those creepy crawlers!
The Busy Homesteader's Backyard Chicken Binder | The Free Range Life
Did you know that raising certain animals will help to keep snakes away?
That's right! Specifically farm animals.
Chickens, guinea fowl, and pigs are all animals that will attack and eat snakes! Keeping your yard snake free!
If you would like to learn how to raise chickens you can do so here.
Keep Your Yard Clear of Debris
If you want to keep snakes out of your yard then you should start by eliminating the places that they live or hide. Also eliminate places where things they eat live.
Piles of logs, branches, or leaves, junk piles, tall grass, etc. These are all places that snakes like to live. As well as creatures that snakes like to eat.
By removing these things from your yard snakes will be a lot less likely to live there.
Snakes are said to dislike sulfur as well.
Again as I mentioned above I have not personally tried all of these items, so I cannot guarantee how well they work.
But there are lots of people that claim that sprinkling sulfur around where you want to prevent snakes works!
It is said that the sonic vibrations emitted from these solar powered snake repellers are very effective at keeping snakes away.
Read more here to find out exactly how they work!
This is probably one of the most effective ways to keep snakes away. However it is also probably the most expensive.
There are several things to keep in mind when building a snake fence.
First you need to make sure the bottom of your fence is under the ground, otherwise a snake will just push under. I would bury your fence at least six inches deep. Some even recommend digging a trench and concreting around the bottom of the fence so that nothing can burrow under.
You also need to make sure the fence is either solid or has very small openings. 1/4 inch is the biggest the openings should be. The harware cloth here should be sufficient.
Also angling the fence out is recommended so that snakes cannot climb it and so that they fall off if they try. A 30 degree angle is said to be effective.
I know this sounds like a lot of work, but if you're serious about keeping snakes out, it's definitely something to consider!
Garlic and Onion Spray
Garlic and Onions are said to also repel snakes.
By bringing them to a boil in water and then straining the liquid into a spray bottle you have a strong smelling spray that snakes do not like!
This is probably something that also needs to be reapplied frequently.
I only like to use things in my lawn that are natural. These snake repellent granules seem like a good option.
Again I can't say for sure how effective they are but there are some that claim that they work well.
Natural Snake Repellent
And those are the top ways that I have found to repel snakes!
Have you tried any of these methods? Did they work for you?
Do you have any other methods to add to the list? If so please leave me a comment below letting me know!